From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 09/06/2009 16:19:45 UTC
Subject: ODG: Rankings of the World's law journals
Attachments: LawJournalRanks-Australia (2009).xls

Dear Colleagues:

The Australian research Council has released a ranking of humanities and creative arts journals, over 7000 of them. My associate Dean has provided us with a list of law journals which I attach to this e-mail for your information.  Congratulations go out to ODG member Harold Luntz and his fellow editors at the Torts Law Journal which received an A rating (the second best available).

Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law & 
Cassels Brock LLP Faculty Fellow in Contract Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435